Friday, April 5, 2019

On My Love of Godzilla and the Point of this Series

Originally, the plans for my long term project on the Toho Monster Movies were a lot more ambitious. Lots of plans involving video editing, huge feats of narration and such, basically a huge task that would have been a viable option for the Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism. BUT, once I realized how ill equipped I was for such a task, I took a more convenient and approachable approach: a simple blog.

So, let's start with introductions. I'm J. Yeah, I'm not gonna say my whole name. I don't know, mystery is fun. I'm currently a student and am studying acting. I'm hoping to make something out of my love of performance, because I don't know what exactly I'd do otherwise. I prefer working in live theatre, but I prefer watching movies. I think strawberry and raspberry flavored things are the best things and I really want to learn how to be a screenwriter so I can adapt some of my crazy ideas onto screen. I'm a huge dork, which has held me back from a few things in my life, but I think I'm getting better at proper communication. I like writing a lot, and my favorite things in the world include my amazing family, snowy days, Superman, and the entire point of this blog: Godzilla.

I was introduced to the Godzilla film series at a very young age, and the character has been a part of my life ever since. I don't want to say I'm an absolute expert on the series, but it is very near and dear to my heart. Look, I'm not trying to brag or anything, 'cause, I mean it. I'm not. Do you know how lame someone sounds when they brag about how much they know about Godzilla? Well, if you've ever had a conversation with me, the answer is yes. But regardless, I wanted to take some time before Godzilla: King of the Monsters comes out to talk about the series, its various monsters and the wonderful world of giant monster movies. Of course the hope is to get someone to maybe watch a movie on my list of films, but more importantly, I just hope people understand why I like something so ridiculous. Because trust me, I know it is. So, here's the breakdown: starting on the 12th of April, you'll start seeing a film review every day on this blog. I'm going to start by watching and reviewing the original Godzilla from 1954 and I'll be going from there. I'll mostly be going over movies starring monsters created by Toho Studios, the creators of Godzilla, but I will be including an extra film in the list that I feel is important enough that I feel it deserves mention in a blog series about giant monster movies. All monsters that appear in a Toho Studios film will have its debut film discussed and reviewed, and in total, I'll be watching 50 movies before the release of King of the Monsters. My King of the Monsters review will not come on May 31st though. I want to give the film time to age a little bit, and I want to provide some additional reading and viewing materials once the writing party has ended. This is no doubt going to be a really fun, albeit strenuous task, but it's a labor of love, that is for absolute sure. And since I love Godzilla more than a lot of things, this will be a labor of love that I am very ready to take up. So, with the lengthy intro out of the way, it's on to a lengthy review. Join me back here on the 12th for my review on the Japanese classic film: Godzilla.


  1. I love this. I'm watching along side the blog posts BTW. Is there any chance that you would do King Kong for next year's big rematch?

    1. Yikes, didn't see this till now! Don't worry, Kong's in here. It'll take us a bit to get there, but he's coming, don't worry.
