Thursday, May 2, 2019

Godzilla's Revenge - "Best Hits"

The Japanese poster for All Monsters AttackAlright, this one's gonna be a speed round, folks. 'Cause I'm typing one paragraph and one paragraph only because that's what this lazy TERRIBLE movie deserves. Godzilla's Revenge or All Monsters Attack might technically be the worst film in the entire Godzilla franchise. All this movie is is shameless stock footage that is tried to pass off as a new movie. This isn't like a clip show where it's using clips from old episodes as a way to recap what has happened in the past. What they try using the footage here to do is try writing it all of as new battles and new fights. It's not. It is absolutely SHAMELESS use of stock footage to the highest extent. The only monsters with new scenes that were actually shot are Godzilla, Minilla, Kamacarus who gets new footage very briefly and the newly introduced monster, Gabara. Gabara is a terrible monster in every category, roar, powers, design, the list goes on and on. Gabara's main motive in the movie is just to bully Minilla to tell a message against bullying that is told subtly if you spell subtly like this. At least it wasn't going for subtlety, but even if it wasn't going for subtlety, it still is a boring movie. The human side of the movie is about Ichiro Miki, played Tomonori Yazaki. He gets bullied at school and is a fan of Godzilla, so one night he goes home alone and dreams of going to Monster Island where he meets Minilla, gets taught about how to stand up for himself and relives watching footage from older, better Godzilla movies. It's not like Ichiro is the worst human protagonist in the series or even an irritating kid, he just happens to be in perhaps the worst Godzilla movie and also makes some dumb decisions that get him into a lot of trouble. He also says his favorite monster is Minilla, so clearly he's not exactly the smartest kid either. Then after seeing Minilla and Godzilla fight Gabara in the dream world of Monster Island he goes into the real world, fights his bullies and takes on their dare learning a moral lesson about not ringing bicycle horns, I guess. Look, I can imagine this movie probably gets a right off from most fans with the excuse of "It's a kids movie." Look, you can write it off as just a kids movie, but if we're going by that logic and excuse Toy Story is supposedly "just a kids movie" and is also a good film because it was made with time and care and was made with effort. Trying to just say "it's a kids movie" is a subtle way to say "It's okay if it's bad" 'cause the kids don't care. Maybe, but kids deserve more movies like Toy Story or the Land Before Time. Toho clearly didn't care about making a good movie, let alone a good movie for kids. Godzilla's Revenge is abysmal, as a movie and a film for children. Don't waste your time and watch it. I'm mad now. This movie makes me mad.


Tomorrow we're watching Space Amoeba. Have a great day.

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